

Robert Dürichen, Lucas Davenport, Ralf Bruder, Tobias Wissel, Floris Ernst, and Achim Schweikard,
Evaluation of the potential of multi-modal sensors for respiratory motion prediction and correlation, Osaka, Japan , 2013. pp. 5678-5681.
File: EMBC.2013.6610839
Robert Dürichen, Ralf Bruder, Lucas Davenport, Tobias Wissel, Floris Ernst, and Achim Schweikard,
Correlation and variation of a multi-modal sensor setup for respiratory motion prediction and correlation, Indianapolis, USA; Indianapolis, IN, USA: American Association of Physicists in Medicine, 2013. pp. 186.
File: 1.4814365


Nikolaus Ammann,
"Robotized 4D Ultrasound for cardiac Image- Guided Radiation Therapy" 2012.
Osama Shahin, Volker Martens, Armin Beširević, Markus Kleemann, and Alexander Schlaefer,
Localization of liver tumors in freehand 3D laparoscopic ultrasound, SPIE Medical Imaging , pp. 83162C-83162C-7, 2012.
Tobias Wissel, Silke Anders, and Achim Schweikard,
On state-like behavior of temporal nonstationarities in patterns of resting-state brain activity., 3rd Biennnial Conference on Resting State Brain Connectivity, Magdeburg, Germany, 2012.
Christoph Otte, Gereon Hüttmann, György Kovács, and Alexander Schlaefer,
Phantom validation of optical soft tissue navigation for brachytherapy, Birkfellner, Wolfgang and McClelland, Jamie R. and Rit, Simon and Schlaefer, Alexander, Eds. Nice, France , 2012. pp. 96-100.
Robert Dürichen, Tobias Wissel, and Achim Schweikard,
Prediction of respiratory Motion using Wavelet-based Support Vector Regression, Santander, Spain , 2012. pp. 1-6.
File: MLSP.2012.6349742
Susan Bremer, Lars Richter, Stephen Oung, Achim Schweikard, and Peter Trillenberg,
Roboternavigierte Untersuchung der Tiefenabhängigkeit der Reizstärke bei der transkraniellen Magnetstimulation, Klin Neurophysiol , vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 49-49, 2012.
Susanne Löffler, Fernando Gasca, Lars Richter, Ulrike Leipscher, Peter Trillenberg, and Andreas Moser,
The Effect of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Monoamine Outflow in the Accumbens Nucleus Shell in Freely Moving Rats, Neuropharmacology , vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 898-904, 2012.
Lars Richter,
Safe and clinically applicable robotized Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, 2012.
Fernando Gasca, Tobias Wissel, Hamid Hadjar, Alexander Schlaefer, and Achim Schweikard,
Sparsely optimized multi-electrode transcranial direct current stimulation, Munich , 2012.
File: conf.fncom.2012.55.00136
Christoph Metzner, Fabian Guth, Achim Schweikard, and B. Zurowski,
Spike-timing Dependent Plasticity Facilitates Excitatory/Inhibitory Disbalances in Early Phases of Tinnitus Manifestation, 2012.
Asif Rahman, Davide Reato, Mattia Arlotti, Fernando Gasca, Abhishek Datta, Lucas C. Parra, and Marom Bikson,
Tangential electric fields during tDCS modulates synaptic efficacy by synaptic terminal polarization, New Orleans, USA , 2012.
Davide Reato, Fernando Gasca, Abhishek Datta, Marom Bikson, Lisa Marshall, and Lucas C. Parra,
Transcranial electrical stimulation accelerates human sleep homeostasis, PLoS Computational Biology , pp. accepted, 2012.
Davide Reato, Fernando Gasca, Abhishek Datta, Marom Bikson, Lisa Marshall, and Lucas C. Parra,
Transcranial electrical stimulation accelerates sleep homeostasis in humans, New Orleans, USA , 2012.
Peter Trillenberg, Susan Bremer, Stephen Oung, Christian Erdmann, Achim Schweikard, and Lars Richter,
Variation of Stimulation Intensity in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation with Depth, Journal of Neuroscience Methods , vol. 211, no. 2, pp. 185-190, 2012.
File: j.jneumeth.2012.09.007
Floris Ernst, Lars Richter, Lars Matthäus, Volker Martens, Ralf Bruder, Alexander Schlaefer, and Achim Schweikard,
Non-orthogonal Tool/Flange and Robot/World Calibration for Realistic Tracking Scenarios, International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery , vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 407-420, 2012.
File: rcs.1427
Robert Dürichen, Oliver Blanck, Floris Ernst, and Achim Schweikard,
Evaluation of a wavelet-based least mean square algorithm for prediction of respiratory movements, Carlsbad, CA, USA , 2012. pp. accepted-for publication.
Lars Richter, Ralf Bruder, and Achim Schweikard,
Hand-assisted positioning and contact pressure control for motion compensated robotized transcranial magnetic stimulation, Pisa, Italy: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2012. pp. 123-124.
File: s11548-012-0708-3
Lars Richter, Peter Trillenberg, Achim Schweikard, and Alexander Schlaefer,
Comparison of stimulus intensity in hand held and robotized motion compensatedtranscranial magnetic stimulation, Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology , vol. 42, no. 1-2, pp. 61-62, 2012.
File: j.neucli.2011.11.028