

Ralf Bruder, Svenja Ipsen, Philipp Jauer, Floris Ernst, Oliver Blanck, and Achim Schweikard,
MO-D-144-02: Ultrasound Transducer Localization Using the CyberKnife's X-Ray System, Indianapolis, IN, USA: American Association of Physicists in Medicine, 2013. pp. 405.
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Tobias Wissel, Tim Pfeiffer, Robert Frysch, Robert T. Knight, Edward F. Chang, Hermann Hinrichs, Jochem W. Rieger, and Georg Rose,
Hidden Markov model and support vector machine based decoding of finger movements using electrocorticography, Journal of Neural Engineering , vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 056020, 2013.
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Michael Hollinde,
Für mehr Präzision in der Tumorbestrahlung, Lübecker Nachrichten , 2013.
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Christian Wilde, Silvanie Volz, Thomas J. Feuerstein, and Ulrich G. Hofmann,
Automatic Seizure Detection in Rats using ECoG: A Comparison of Methods, Dresden, Germany , 2013.

2013 Annual Meeting of the ASTRO, Atlanta, GA, USA , 2013.
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Patrick Weiss, M. Heldmann, Thomas F. Münte, Achim Schweikard, and Erik Maehle,
A Rehabilitation System for Training based on Visual Feedback Distortion: Proceedings of the International Conference on Neurorehabilitation (ICNR) 2012, Pons, José L. and Torricelli, Diego and Pajaro, Marta, Eds. Toledo, Spain: Springer, 2013. pp. 299-303.
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Ivo Kuhlemann,
"Force and Image Adaptive Strategies for Robotised Placement of 4D Ultrasound Probes" 2013.
Benjamin Wagner, Patrick Stüber, Tobias Wissel, Ralf Bruder, Achim Schweikard, and Floris Ernst,
Accuracy of object tracking based on time-multiplexed structured light, Innsbruck, Austria , 2013. pp. 139-142.
Bo Wang, Birgit Stender, T. Long, Z. Zhang, and Alexander Schlaefer,
An approach to validate ultrasound surface segmentation of the heart, 2013.
Patrick Stüber, Tobias Wissel, Benjamin Wagner, Ralf Bruder, Achim Schweikard, and Floris Ernst,
An improvement for the scanning process in high accuracy head tracking, Innsbruck, Austria , 2013. pp. 179-182.
John R. Adler, Ralf Bruder, Floris Ernst, and Achim Schweikard,
Apparatus and method for real-time tracking of bony structures, 2013.
Robert Dürichen, Oliver Blanck, Jürgen Dunst, Guido Hildebrandt, Alexander Schlaefer, and Achim Schweikard,
Atemphasenabhängige Prädiktionsfehler in der extrakraniellen stereotaktischen Strahlentherapie, Berlin, Germany , 2013.
Jannis Hagenah, Michael Scharfschwerdt, Birgit Stender, Sven Ott, R. Friedl, H. H. Sievers, and Alexander Schlaefer,
A setup for ultrasound based assessment of the aortic root geometry, 2013.
Christoph Metzner, Achim Schweikard, and B. Zurowski,
Center-Surround Interactions in a Network Model of Layer 4C$\alpha$ of Primary Visual Cortex, 2013.
B. Zurowski, F. Hamm, Christoph Metzner, H. Scholand-Engler, A. Wells, and F. Hohagen,
Cortical levels of GABA in patients with panic disorder are associated with the strength of metacognitive beliefs, 2013.
Patrick Stüber, Tobias Wissel, Benjamin Wagner, Ralf Bruder, Achim Schweikard, and Floris Ernst,
Design and evaluation of a highly accurate optical setup for backscatter analysis, Treuer, Harald, Eds. Cologne, Germany , 2013. pp. 181-186.
Lars Richter, and Ralf Bruder,
Design, implementation and evaluation of an independent real-time safety layer for medical robotic systems using a force-torque-acceleration (FTA) sensor, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery , vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 429-436, 2013.
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Jannis Hagenah,
"Erstellung eines patientenindividuellen Modells der Aortenklappe" 2013.
Tobias Wissel, Ralf Bruder, Achim Schweikard, and Floris Ernst,
Estimating soft tissue thickness from light-tissue interactions a simulation study, Biomedical Optics Express , vol. 4, no. 7, pp. 1176-1187, 2013.
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Floris Ernst, Robert Dürichen, Alexander Schlaefer, and Achim Schweikard,
Evaluating and comparing algorithms for respiratory motion prediction, Physics in Medicine and Biology , vol. 58, no. 11, pp. 3911-3929, 2013.
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