Master Seminar - RO5802, CS5280, CS5840
The course aims to introduce students the basic tasks when conducting a scientific research. More particularly, the students learn to collaborate with their supervisors, to investigate a scientific topic through a literature review and then, to synthesize the obtained knowledge. In order to validate the course, the students are required to prepare a brief conference paper and to give a presentation on their chosen topics.
Qualifikationsziele / Kompetenzen
- Language: English (mainly for academic purposes, i.e., reading and writing paper; presenting and discussing).
- Investigate self-dependently scientific publications in order to understand and to synthesize their contents.
- Prepare a brief paper using a standard template.
- Give a solid presentation.
- Lehre
- Robotik - CS2500
- Projektpraktikum Robotik und Automation - CS5295
- Künstliche Intelligenz I - CS3204
- Künstliche Intelligenz II – CS5204 T
- Deep Learning - CS4295
- Sequence Learning - CS4575
- Humanoid Robotics – RO5300
- Medical Robotics – CS4270 T
- Praktikum Robotik und Automation - CS3501
- Bachelorprojekt - CS3701
- Bachelorseminar - CS3702 (CS3703, ME3702)
- Master Seminar - RO5802, CS5280, CS5840
- Rescue Robotics – RO5801
- Medizinprodukterecht - ME4520
- Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
Ngoc Thinh Nguyen
Gebäude 64
Raum 85
+49 451 31015216