Prof. Dr.-Ing. Achim Schweikard

Photo of Achim  Schweikard

Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck
Gebäude 64, Raum 97

Email: achim.schweikard(at)
Phone: +49 451 31015200
Fax: +49 451 31015204


Achim Schweikard studied Mathematics at Hamburg University and University of Paris XI.
He obtained his PhD from Technical University of Berlin in 1989.
After that he worked as a research associate at the department of computer science at
Stanford university, within a joint appointment between Stanford's departments of
neurosurgery and computer science. In 1994 he joined Technical University of Munich
(TU Munich) as an Associate Professor. In 2002 he joined Luebeck University as a
Full Professor. He is the inventor of numerous technologies in medical robotics. His
invention of correlation-based tracking for cancer radiosurgery has started to become
the standard of care in cancer radiosurgery. A very large number of cancer patients
worldwide has now been treated with this new highly accurate method. His research areas
of interest include medical robotics and artificial intelligence methods.


  • Programm Committee: Dt. Ges. Computer und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie - Jahrestagung 2011
  • Programm Committee: Dt. Ges. Computer und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie - Jahrestagung 2010
  • Programm Committee: Dt. Ges. Computer und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie - Jahrestagung 2009
  • Programm Committee: Dt. Ges. Computer und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie - Jahrestagung 2008
  • Programm Committee: AAPM Annual Meeting and Technical Exhibit in Houston, TX, July 27 - July 31, 2008
  • Program Committee: CARS 2012 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
  • Program Committee: CARS 2009 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
  • Program Committee: CARS 2008 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
  • Program Committee: CARS 2007 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
  • Program Committee: CARS 2006 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
  • Program Committee: MICCAI 2007 Medical Image Computation and Computer-Aided Intervention (2007)
  • Executive Committee: Computer-Aided Radiology (2005)
  • Chairman: Jahrestagung Computer und Roboter-unterstützte Chirurgie (2004)
  • President: Dt. Ges. Computer und Roboter-unterstützte Chirurgie (2003-04)
  • Past-President: Dt. Ges. Computer und Roboter-unterstützte Chirurgie (2004-2005)
  • Coordinator: Schwerpunktprogramm 1124 der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft
  • Program Committee: IEEE Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems (2006)
  • Program Committee: IEEE Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems (2005)
  • Program Committee: IEEE Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems (2004)
  • Program Committee: 2nd Workshop for Medical Robotics, Navigation und Visualisation (MRNV), March 2007
  • Program Committee: International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2012
  • Program Committee: International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2011
  • Member of Editorial Board: Computer Aided Surgery
  • Member of Editorial Board: Int. Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery
  • Member of Editorial Board: Int. Journal of Computer-Assisted Radiology and Surgery
  • Member of Editorial Board: International Scholarly Research Network (ISRN) Robotics
  • Member of Editorial Board: Journal of Computational Medicine
  • Member of Editorial Board: International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems
  • Gradschool UNI Luebeck: Academic Director


Volker Martens, Floris Ernst, Thomas Fränkler, Lars Matthäus, Stefan Schlichting, and Achim Schweikard,
Ein Client-Server Framework für Trackingsysteme in medizinischen Assistenzsystemen, Bartz, Dirk and Bohn, S. and Hoffmann, J., Eds. Leipzig, Germany , 2008. pp. 7-10.


Philipp Hildebrand, Stefan Schlichting, Volker Martens, Armin Beširević, Markus Kleemann, Uwe Roblick, M. Mirow, Conny Bürk, Achim Schweikard, and Hans-Peter Bruch,
Prototype of an intraoperative navigation and documentation system for laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation: First experiences, European Journal of Surgical Oncology , vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 418-421, 2007.
Markus Kleemann, Philipp Hildebrand, Lutz Mirow, Volker Martens, Stefan Schlichting, Armin Beširević, Conny Bürk, Uwe Roblick, Achim Schweikard, and Hans-Peter Bruch,
Navigationsunterstützte Leberchirurgie: Stand der klinischen und experimentellen Forschung, Schleswig-Holsteinisches Ärzteblatt , vol. 10, pp. 51-56, 2007.
Alexander Schlaefer, O. Jungmann, Warren Kilby, and Achim Schweikard,
Objective specific beam generation for image guide robotic radiosurgery, Berlin , 2007.
Lukas Ramrath, Alexander Schlaefer, Floris Ernst, Sonja Dieterich, and Achim Schweikard,
Prediction of respiratory motion with a multi-frequency based Extended Kalman Filter, Berlin, Germany , 2007. pp. 56-58.
Datei: s11548-007-0083-7
Floris Ernst, Alexander Schlaefer, and Achim Schweikard,
Prediction of Respiratory Motion with Wavelet-based Multiscale Autoregression, Ayache, Nicholas and Ourselin, S. and Maeder, A., Eds. Brisbane, Australia: Springer, 2007. pp. 668-675.
Datei: 978-3-540-75759-7\_81
Arne Hennings, Volker Martens, and Achim Schweikard,
Videooptische 3D-Lagebestimmung zylinderförmiger Instrumente für die Laparoskopie, Karlsruhe , 2007.
Lukas Ramrath, Achim Schweikard, and Ulrich G. Hofmann,
Spherical Assistant for Stereotactic Surgery, San Diego, CA, USA , 2007.
Markus Finke, Ralf Bruder, Lars Matthäus, and Achim Schweikard,
Spulenpositionierung bei TMS-Behandlungen mit Hilfe von Kraftsensorik, 2007.
Alexander Muacevic, Christian Drexler, A. Wowra, Achim Schweikard, Alexander Schlaefer, R. T. Hoffmann, R. Wilkowski, and H. Winter,
Technical Description, Phantom Accuracy, and Clinical Feasibility for Single-session Lung Radiosurgery Using Robotic Image-guided Real-time Respiratory Tumor Tracking, Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment , vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 321-328, 2007.
Lukas Ramrath, Ulrich G. Hofmann, Gereon Hüttmann, Andreas Moser, and Achim Schweikard,
Towards Automated OCT-based Identification of White Brain Matter, 2007.
Datei: 978-3-540-71091-2
Alexander Schlaefer, Oliver Blanck, and Achim Schweikard,
Interactive Multi-criteria Inverse Planning for Robotic Radiosurgery, Toronto, Canada, , 2007.
Christoph Bodensteiner, Christina Darolti, H. Schumacher, Lars Matthäus, and Achim Schweikard,
Motion and Positional Error Correction for Cone Beam 3D-Reconstruction with Mobile C-Arms, Brisbane, Australia , 2007.
Stefan Schlichting, Philipp Hildebrand, Volker Martens, Armin Beširević, Markus Kleemann, Uwe Roblick, Lutz Mirow, Conny Bürk, Achim Schweikard, and Hans-Peter Bruch,
Intraoperative documentation of laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation of liver tumors -- First Experiences, Berlin, Germany , 2007.
Volker Martens, Armin Beširević, Stefan Schlichting, and Achim Schweikard,
Evaluation und relative Positionskorrektur eines magnetischen Trackingsystems für die minimal-invasive Chirurgie, Karlsruhe , 2007. pp. 271-274.
Volker Martens, Stefan Schlichting, Armin Beširević, Philipp Hildebrand, Markus Kleemann, Hans-Peter Bruch, and Achim Schweikard,
Der LapAssistent - Ein System zur Navigation bei laparoskopischen Leberoperationen, Berlin , 2007.
Christoph Bodensteiner, Christina Darolti, and Achim Schweikard,
3D-reconstruction of bone surfaces from sparse projection data with a robotized c-arm by deformable 2D/3D registration, Berlin, Germany , 2007.
P. Singla, T. Singh, and Achim Schweikard,
A Multiresolution Adaptive Approach for Respiratory Motion Modeling, Bethesda, Maryland , 2007.
Christoph Bodensteiner, Christina Darolti, and Achim Schweikard,
Approximative Rekonstruktion von Knochenoberflächen mittels elastischer 2D-3D Registrierung eines generischen Modells mit Flouroskopieaufnahmen, Karlsruhe , 2007.
Lars Matthäus, Norbert Binder, Christoph Bodensteiner, and Achim Schweikard,
Closed-form inverse kinematic solution for fluoroscopic C-arms, Advanced Robotics , vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 869-886, 2007.
Datei: 156855307780851957
Christoph Bodensteiner, Volker Martens, Stefan Schlichting, Norbert Binder, Rainer Burgkart, and Achim Schweikard,
3D-Rekonstruktion aus DSA-Projektionsdaten mittels diskreter Tomographie - Ein Kombinationsansatz mit einem iterativen Rekonstruktionsverfahren, Munich, Germany , 2007.
Philipp Hildebrand, Armin Beširević, Markus Kleemann, Stefan Schlichting, Volker Martens, Achim Schweikard, and Hans-Peter Bruch,
Design and development of adapters for electromagnetic trackers to perform navigated laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation, Annals of Surgical Innovation and Research , vol. 1, no. 7, 2007.
Datei: 1750-1164-1-7
Armin Beširević, Stefan Schlichting, Volker Martens, Philipp Hildebrand, Uwe Roblick, Lutz Mirow, Conny Bürk, Achim Schweikard, Markus Kleemann, and Hans-Peter Bruch,
Design und Entwicklung von sterilisierbaren Adaptern für navigierte viszerale (Leber) Chirurgie und erste praktische Erfahrungen, Berlin , 2007.
Volker Martens, Armin Beširević, Stefan Schlichting, Markus Kleemann, Philipp Hildebrand, Hans-Peter Bruch, and Achim Schweikard,
Ein magnetisches Navigationssystem für die minimal-invasive Leberchirurgie, Aachen 2007 , 2007.
Lukas Ramrath, Gereon Hüttmann, Ulrich G. Hofmann, Matteo C. M. Bonsanto, Volker Tronnier, Andreas Moser, and Achim Schweikard,
Entwicklung eines robotergestützten Stereotaxieassistenten für die Kleintierhirnforschung, FOCUS MUL , vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 229-231, 2007.